non-snap version of FF under Ubuntu 22.04?

Volker Wysk post at
Mon May 1 18:24:38 UTC 2023

Am Montag, dem 01.05.2023 um 09:39 +0200 schrieb Carsten Agger:
> On 4/30/23 18:39, Volker Wysk wrote:
> > 
> > > how would he do that unless he runs his firefox as root he will by
> > > default not have write permissions to anyting in /usr ?
> > Acquiring write permissions, or ownership, of things somewhere under
> > /usr/local isn't far-fetched at all. You don't have by default, but you can
> > easily acquire them, when you have root-access.
> > 
> > In my case, I often have the ownership of things in /usr/local. Especially
> > in /usr/local/src. For instace, I have a markdown-encoded, and
> > compile it to READLE.html. That done, we right away have a case where
> > Firefox refuses to work.
> The best solution might be to install Firefox ESR, if you're happy with 
> that.
> It's available through a PPA as described here: 
> And then you can throw away the snap :)

Actually, I've come to *want* the snap for it's sandboxing. I only want it
to be less tight, and/or be able to add allowed directories, if possible. 

That Firefox-ESR looks good. But for the snap version, the sandboxing of it
most likely is the same as for the standard snap. (They don't mention
anything about it, on that page).

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