OS uninstallable

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Fri Mar 24 21:29:54 UTC 2023


I have just spent about five hours unsuccessfully trying to install each 
of Linux Mint Mate 21.1, Linux Mint Mate 21, and UbuntuMate 22.04 .

It goes through the installation process, then terminates with the 
unintelligible error

"Unable to install GRUB (as superuser)
Executing 'grubinstall failed.
This is a fatal error"

 From memory, this has been a systemic problem with the installation 
process - I am not the only one who has suffered from this 
unintelligible error.

I have been trying to install on a system with MS Windows 10 installed.

I have tried installing both with, and, without, creating the required 
EFI partition.

I have gone into BIOS, and turned off every security thing that I could 

And still, it refuses to install, without any explanation of why.

Why is it not installing?

Linux Mint is unsupported, but, it is based on Ubuntu, and, uses 
underlying Ubuntu installation processing, and, the Ubuntu 
non-installation process gives the same failure.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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