Does somebody use both, current Intel and AMD tower PCs?

Chris Green cl at
Sat Mar 18 21:06:43 UTC 2023

On Sat, Mar 18, 2023 at 04:55:27PM -0400, Jared Greenwald wrote:
>    Why don't you start with what you plan to do with this computer and
>    work your way backward.  You say 90W is your max power consumption but
>    what is it you plan to do with the system?  Honestly, if that's you're
>    main driver then you will probably be best off getting a mobile CPU but
>    that will be sacrificing a lot of performance.  You'd probably be best
>    to start there as a reasonable desktop processor will likely push you
>    over that 90W threshold from the start.

90W is nowadays way OTT.  My quite old desktop machine with an Intel
i5 idles at around 18 watts.  OK, at full belt it uses more but in the
real world one rarely stresses a computer anywhere near 100%.

Chris Green

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