Does somebody use both, current Intel and AMD tower PCs?

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Sat Mar 18 19:45:42 UTC 2023

On Sat, 2023-03-18 at 14:46 -0400, Robert Heller wrote:
> I have an (older) AMD based ATX Mobo.  The processor is OK, but the NVIDIA 
> graphics chip is a PITA


this is similar to my experiences with _older_ AMD machines, too. I
wonder if it's different nowadays.

> If/When I upgrade this machine I will bit the bullet and get an Intel 
> [snip] with *lots* of SATA ports (the Mobo I have now has 6 SATA ports
> I mosly do text, so a "fancy" GPU is not something I have any use for.

In my experience performance isn't just a question of a powerful CPU. An
interrupt at the wrong time in the wrong place and the like can lead to
fatal fluctuations in real-time applications, even when using the
fastest CPU in the universe.

Without doubts older Intel machines are more often reliable related to
such issues, than older AMD machines. I wonder if this is still a valid
reason to pay way more for expensive Intel hardware nowadays.

My current machine has got no M.2 slot and holds 6 SATA SSDs = less than
6 TiB, since the vendor I prefer doesn't provide SATA SSDs with more
than 900+a little more GiB size. I want an ATX tower with expansion
potential, this IMO is the reason to chose a tower.


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