Ubuntu with Minix 2.0 3-Clause BSD licence to GPL-3 licince

jean-loups at ovh.fr jean-loups at ovh.fr
Fri Jun 30 01:16:54 UTC 2023


i am beginner programmeur and my favorite stuff i would like is coding
kernel, i would like know if it's possible to pass minix 2.0 to GPL
licence and start to develop a new kernel for Ubuntu : 


perhaps for a beagle board with arm64 CPU on an xeon processor. 

my first step is to recode in ASM the boot code, but not ASM coder, i
have some stuff in C and C++ but no assembler. 

any people would like follow my in this adventure, for a new kernel like
Apple M1 or M2 

please say me what beagle board need by for a lot of stuff to try in
real, or the virt-manager configuration. 

i hope i interest some people, 

best regard, 

jean-loups white.
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