I would like to install Ubuntu on my Nexus 10 / Manta using? kernel version 6.1.4

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 28 18:37:45 UTC 2023

On Wed, 2023-06-28 at 18:58 +0200, Mario Marietto wrote:
> I need the right documentation to understand how to use the
> mainline linux kernel on my nexus 10 + how to apply those
> patches I don't want to change the hardware. I already have
> my Nexus 10. I need good documentation,focused,concise and
> that goes straight to the points to the goal that I want to
> achieve.


if you are unable to find out how to do something trivial as applying
patches to a kernel that are provided by others, then you should
consider to drop your plan to "hack"/"crack"/"break" the device.

Good documentations on how to apply patches are easy-peasy to find. If
you need to ask for a documentation on how to apply patches, IOW if you
don't have the skills to google and/or read a man page related to a well
explained and well documented topic, then there is no chance that you
are able to learn the other things. Those other things you want to do
have got more or less a learning curve like becoming a white or black
hat hacker, since it requires a kind of reverse engineering. I've got
the impression you are missing this point.


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