Speech recognition - Was: Desktop froze

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Tue Jun 20 22:10:59 UTC 2023

On 21/6/23 02:56, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users wrote:
> On Wed, 2023-06-21 at 02:01 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
>> I understood that all steers are vegans...
> Hi,
> In fact, I have often observed how steers first carefully brushed an ant
> or other small animals off the grass with their hooves because they want
> their grass to be strictly vegan.
> However, now the bomb drops.
> I only read the article from "The Spiegel" (I did not read the Spiegel
> Wiki and did not read the Tierwelt article). In Germany we call Der
> Spiegel "yellow press for academics" ("Bildzeitung für Akademiker"). In
> the 80s the headline of a Spiegel I bought was "Hetzt Geißler wie
> Göbbels" ("Is Geißler rabble-rousing like Göbbels did?") or very
> similar, showing two photos on the cover, one of German 80s CDU
> politician Geißel and another of Nazi criminal Göbbels confusingly
> similar in appearance. I still thought it was funny back then, but
> actually it's bad journalism. Apart from its often very embarrassingly
> lurid opinion-making, Der Spiegel is generally regarded as a fairly
> reliable source in Germany.
> IOW that Der Spiegel is writing about a cow eating chickens is only
> intended to encourage simple minds to buy the magazine, but it will very
> likely be the truth:
> Only the Wiki is in English, for anything else a translation-bot might
> help.
> https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/tatort-huehnerstall-fleischfressende-kuh-entzweit-indisches-dorf-a-470662.html
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_Spiegel
> YouTube has removed a video showing a Cow eating a fledgling:
> https://www.tierwelt.ch/artikel/wildtiere/von-wegen-vegetarier-405114
> Regards,
> Ralf
So, that is why, in Europe, bells are put on the necks of cattle; so 
that, when the cattle are stalking their prey, and, then, start the 
pursuit run for the kill, the victims can hear them coming, and, make a 
run for it. That is, except for when the cattle stuff the bells, with 
the fingers of their prey, to silence the bells, so that they boost 
their odds of getting their prey. Thus, when fools go out on the moors 
at night, if they hear cattle bells coming toward them, they need to 
start running, very fast, and, "be afraid; be very afraid"...

Now, after so many years, it gives a different meaning to, when I was at 
secondary school, we had an Irish biology teacher, who referred to 
cattle, as "beasties". We thought that was funny, but, if, upon seeing a 
pair of red eyes look at you, in darkness, with a pair of horns above 
them, means that you are about to get eaten by a bull or a cow, it is no 
wonder, that he was scared of beasties.

And, of course, here is Australia, we have the carnivorous kangaroos, 
and, not much is gained by climbing trees, to try to escape from the 
carnivorous kangaroos, because crocodiles in Australia, are known to 
climb trees, where they wait for people to pass underneath, and then, 
decapitate them, from above. Chomp... And, then, the headless body gets 
pulled up into the tree, for a feast. That is, if the metre long 
platypussies do not first, bite off the feet and the legs.







However, ... getting back to the topic of the thread - Speech 
recognition (software)...

Running Linux Mint Mate21.1, which uses the Ubuntu 22.04 repositories; 
searching using synaptic, for "voice recognition", returned no 
application packages being found. Searching for "speech recognition", 
returned results, showing the two software applications, julius and 
pocket sphinx (so, it is not a good idea, to put your hands in your 
pockets - if you can't correctly answer its riddle, it eats your fingers?).

I assume that, because the software is found, not from searching for 
"voice recognition", but, instead, for "speech recognition", in order to 
make the software work, a user has to first say something like 
"Unaccustomed as I am, to making speeches...", or, "Friends, Romans, 
countrymen, lend me your heirs" (King Henry 8 of England, version)

So, I am wondering whether anyone has tried these two applications, and, 
if so, how accurate the two applications have been found to be.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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