Desktop froze

Bill bstanle at
Tue Jun 20 03:49:27 UTC 2023

On 2023-06-19 11:23, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Jun 2023 at 17:12, Bill <bstanle at> wrote:
>> WS=> Thanks for the information.  I didn't say in the subject line that the computer froze, just critical parts of the Mate desktop.  The input the mouse and kewboard  stopped working.  I couldn't use the mouse to click on anything and the keyboard input didn't work also.  Even [CTRL + ALT + Delete ] didn't work.  Usually this will bring up the restart, shutdown menu.  Even this desperate action didn't work.
>> The problem did not appear again so I hope it was an anomaly.  If it happens again, I'll try to use your suggestions.
> I'm sorry for the bad spelling and punctuation and someone in my
> replies; I am struggling with a badly broken right arm, and I'm
> dictating this text into my computer.
> I've seen problems similar to what you describe. In fact, in recent
> years I have seen them often enough that I suspect that I may be
> accidentally engaging some ill considered feature to change screen
> orientation or something like that, and the reason that the desktop is
> no longer responding to mouse clicks or keyboard input it's because
> it's waiting for me to do something else – But I don't know what.
> Usually, on most Linux desktops that I have seen, the ctrl plus alt
> plus del keystroke is not trapped and does not work in a graphical
> desktop. I could be wrong, but what you are describing sounds more
> like Windows behaviour not Linux.
> The closest equivalent is Ctrl plus alt plus backspace, the intended
> behaviour of which is to terminate the X11 server and immediately
> return you to text mode. However because that is an extremely
> destructive action, most distros disable that by default. TBH I do not
> know how the Wayland display server handles Ctrl plus alt plus
> backspace.
> The place that Ctrl plus alt plus Del works is in text mode, in other
> words, on one of the virtual consoles. So what you have to do is
> switch from graphical mode to a virtual console, with ctrl plus alt
> plus F1, and then you can press Ctrl plus alt plus del to repeat the
> computer.
WS=> I think you are  mistaken about CTRl+ALT+DEL, at least in the 
version of Mint (21.1) MATE .  I tested the keystroke just now and it 
does bring up the shutdown, restart,t cancel window..

By the way, I know how it feels not to have complete control of your 
hands.  I had a stroke 20 years ago that affects my right arm.

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