Desktop froze

Jonesy SPAM_TRAP_gmane at
Mon Jun 12 12:23:58 UTC 2023

On Sun, 11 Jun 2023 17:48:43 -0400, Bill wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Mint 21.1 (Vera) with the Mate desktop, running on an I 7 CPU 
> and 12 GB of memory.  Recently, I had the desktop freeze up.  At the 
> time, I was doing nothing of importance (playing solitaire while waiting 
> for an important phone call) and there was nothing that I was running in 
> the background.  I was dragging a card to another pile when the drag 
> operation just stopped.  The entire desktop stopped.  The mouse cursor 
> could move around normally but nothing could be selected.  The keyboard 
> also stopped working, so obviously all of the input functions were not 
> working.  I could not even select a terminal window to drop down to a 
> command prompt or do an orderly shutdown. 

> The only solution was to hold down the power button to force a system 
> shutdown.

No, not "the only".  Google for "REISUB".

  Marvin L Jones    | Marvin      |  | linux
   38.238N 104.547W |  @ | Jonesy     |  FreeBSD
    * Killfiling google &

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