Please help with not booting from USB so to install Debian
Bret Busby
bret at
Fri Jun 9 16:17:28 UTC 2023
On 9/6/23 23:44, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Jun 2023 at 21:59, Bret Busby <bret at> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> This is a post for Liam Proven (I think).
>> From tine to time, the query arises "How do I get to install Linux on a
>> Windows 11 computer?"
>> From memory, you have posted a stepwise process top enable this, on
>> this list.
> I think I did, and I wrote an earlier one on my blog:
>> I do not know whether you have published an article describing this
>> process, at The Register, but, if not, I think that, if you would, it
>> would be useful to Ubuntu users, and to all other Linux users (and,
>> prospective users).
>> The message below, has been posted to the Debian mailing list, and, in
>> searching, I found the article at
>> but, it appears to apply to Windows 10, and, not apply to the
>> peculiarities/malware incorporated with Windows 11.
>> So, I am wondering whether an article could be published, like the one
>> at
>> but, applicable to Windows 11 computers?
> Well, you did find the right one, and I am very glad you found it helpful!
> I mentioned some newer issues here:
> Honestly, though, I do not have anything to add to the old one just yet.
> 0. Update fully, especially firmware! :-)
> 1. Disable Bitlocker
> 2. THEN disable SecureBoot.
> 3. Disable hibernation.
> 4. Clean up, check C: drive, shrink it.
> 5. Optional: remove recovery partition, if desired.
> 6. Install Linux.
> Some distros, such as the Red Hat and SUSE families, handle Secure
> Boot just fine now, but then you can't use Ventoy or similar.
Thank you for that, Liam.
I have posted the URL for the message above, in the list archive, to the
Debian list, for the particular user (and, anyone else interested), to
read the message (and, so that they can follow the stepwise procedure),
with the additional step, which, whilst it occurs to some of us, might
not occur to all;
and, of course, after that procedure, in the system UEFI/BIOS, change
the boot order to
USB drive
Optical (eg, DVD) drive (if the computer has one)
so that the computer should attempt to boot from the respective drives,
in that order.
which, I suggest, would be worthwhile to add to the stepwise procedure,
while still in the UEFI/BIOS, before trying to boot from a device other
than the system hard drive (it just occurred to me, while writing this,
that it is now, incorrect to use the term HDD in my proposed boot order
above, as newer systems use inbuilt SSD's as the primary hard drive,
such as the NVVME (?) (SSD on a card that plugs directly into a slot,
unlike the older hard disk drives that use a cable or ribbon, to connect
to a hard disk controller, that plugs into a slot (from memory), and,
so, I should, instead, use the term hard drive, to include SSD's, in
addition to hard disk drives), to provide the information for people, to
whom, the boot order requirement, might not otherwise occur.
Bret Busby
West Australia
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