Ubuntu 23.04: can't send (some) windows to back

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 20:13:11 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Paul Smith wrote:

>It's 100% consistent, unfortunately.  It would be nice if it were
>just a mouse issue but it's clearly some change in the Gnome WM
>where it's not handling mouse clicks on the title bars of some apps

Ah, well. It was worth a try.

>Maybe I'll try filing a bug on Launchpad against one of these apps
>and see if anyone can tell me what's going on.

Hopefully they can help. Meanwhile, is this of any use?


They mention instances in which 'none of the buttons are set to be
the "middle" button, which can be a problem in some programs.'

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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