Where to report a Snap/Panel bug

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 19:38:59 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Keith wrote:

>The path to the executable doesn't change (/snap/bin/firefox), but
>the path to the icon does (/snap/firefox/<current enabled 

That's the problem, then.

>On my system, /snap/firefox/2850/default256.png is the current icon
>path with 2850 being the current enabled firefox revision.

Interesting. Mine is in several places:

$ locate default256.png

Maybe my system needs a clean-up in aisle 9.

>When a new version is installed, firefox_firefox.desktop file in 
>/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications will be updated and the icon
>path changed to include the new snap revision.

And my panel isn't aware of that, so no image is displayed for the

>To avoid having to recreate your shortcut every time firefox is
>updated, you can copy
>/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/firefox_firefox.desktop file to
>~/.local/share/applications and in it modify the entry,
>"Icon=/snap/firefox/2850/default256.png" to
>"Icon=/snap/firefox/current/default256.png". This works in gnome as
>.desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications supersede those that
>are located in system directories like /usr/share/applications and
>/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications. I'm guessing it'll work in kde
>as well.

Thank you, but I'd rather bring it to the attention of the powers
that be and let them take care of it once and for all.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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