window borders completely disappeared how do I recover? ** SOLVED**

David Fletcher dave at
Tue Jan 24 10:03:32 UTC 2023

On Tue, 2023-01-24 at 09:48 +0000, Chris Green wrote:
> Yes, it throws you completely if you don't know what has happened
> doesn't it! :-)  It's quite easy to hit F11 by mistake, just above 9
> and 0 on my laptop keyboard.

I never knew about this so tried it out:-

The terminal goes full screen with no warnings and yes the little
maximise/restore window tool at the top vanishes.

Chrome does the same, everything except the current tab vanishes but it
puts up a warning about the F11 key for a few seconds.

The file explorer ignores F11 as does Evolution while I type this.


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