Kubuntu upgrade

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Wed Jan 18 10:27:27 UTC 2023

On 18/01/2023 10:25, rikona wrote:
>> On Tue, 17 Jan 2023 at 05:17, rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:
>>> AFAIK I did NOT have it installed before the upgrade. I was running
>>> Kubuntu with Plasma. Never installed or ran Cinnamon. It just
>>> showed up after the update, and was what booted up.
>> Gosh. Well, I can't imagine any scenario which would cause that -- but
>> reality always exceeds the imagination.
>> Maybe you'd installed some Cinnamon component, such as the Nemo file
>> manager or something, and it pulled in the rest as dependencies.
> Verrry interesting possibility. I explored several FMs, always looking
> for my ancient friend Konqueror. :-)) I do believe I installed/used
> Nemo. If this is a critical part of Cinnamon, maybe that's what
> happened.
>>> My question was why did this happen with a *Kubuntu* update?
>> Well, as far as I know, it shouldn't!
> Still, why did it boot up in Cinnamon? It was a *Kubuntu* update that
> was running Plasma. :-) A thought - are dependencies brought in near
> the end of the update? Perhaps that might have resulted in the Cinnamon
> login?
>>> AFAIK I did NOT have >1 desktop installed before the update. Only
>>> used Plasma since initial install.
>> It's possible, with a modern computer, to just not notice.
>> I've installed a single smallish app which pulled in 200+ dependencies
>> before now, and if you're not careful, it can pull in much of a whole
>> software ecosystem.
>>> Using - systemctl status display-manager.service
>>> gives
>>> sddm.service - Simple Desktop Display Manager
>> There is some info on how to configure SDDM here:
>> https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/SDDM
>> But as I said, I'd only resort to that if this sequence does not
>> "stick" --
>> [1] Log out
>> [2] On the login screen, before you hit Return on your password,
>> change the desktop
>> [3] *Then* press return or click the button to log in
>> [4] Once your desired desktop opened successfully...
>> [5] Reboot
>> If you're lucky it should remember your last selection and log you in.
>> If you're not, you can set the desktop using the instructions on the
>> Arch Wiki, but *make sure it works FIRST!*
> I will try this at some point. Still exploring Cinnamon. So far, for
> me, it's about equal to Plasma. I might decide to keep it. I did note
> that some sys stuff is run by Cinnamon now, and some still by the KDE
> sys, so sys kinds of thing seems to be split up a bit. Could this kind
> of split cause problems?
> Thanks much!
> Rik


Out of interest, without me knowing why, in the second-last system 
updates on two of my computers, running Linux Mint Mate 21.1, for 
whatever reason, in the listed updates, was cinnamon desktop environment 
(it was cinnamon-common, from memory), which had me worried, in case the 
desktop environment got switched (without my authorisation) from mate to 

But, after the updates, both computers have both the login screens and 
the desktop environment, unchanged, and still booting into mate.

So, as a relatively unknowledgeable person, I think that maybe the 
changes that you have encountered, is caused by something different to 
having the cinnamon desktop environment included in the system updates.

I accept that I could be wrong.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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