Kubuntu upgrade
rikona at sonic.net
Tue Jan 17 04:15:44 UTC 2023
> On Mon, 16 Jan 2023 at 00:22, rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:
> > Now have 22.04, Plasma version 5.24.7, so up to date.
> OK, well, good, so long as you are happy.
> > But - it booted up
> > with the Cinnamon desktop, not Plasma, which was running before.
> What?!
> You did not tell us that you also had Cinnamon installed!
AFAIK I did NOT have it installed before the upgrade. I was running
Kubuntu with Plasma. Never installed or ran Cinnamon. It just showed up
after the update, and was what booted up.
My question was why did this happen with a *Kubuntu* update?
> > I assume there is not a way to switch back and forth while
> > running
> No.
> > but perhaps a way to select which comes up at boot time.
> No.
> You can choose when you log in.
> If your machine logs in automatically, then no.
> *But*: log out, pick the one you want, and it should open. Then it
> _should_ remember what you picked and load that next time.
> I don't let any of my computers log in automatically so I have not
> tested this.
> Contrary to what other posters have said, you will need to tell us
> what display manager you are running.
> That exact phrase is important: "display manager".
> Google it for a guide to how to find out which one you are using. The
> way to change the desktop you get is different for every different
> display manager, so nobody can tell you how to choose unless they know
> what DM you are using.
> So you need to find out and tell us. Since you did not previously tell
> us that you had >1 desktop installed, we didn't know that this was a
> possibility and we didn't allow for it.
AFAIK I did NOT have >1 desktop installed before the update. Only used
Plasma since initial install.
Using - systemctl status display-manager.service
sddm.service - Simple Desktop Display Manager
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