Ubuntu installers?

ubuntu at howorth.org.uk ubuntu at howorth.org.uk
Tue Jan 10 10:40:57 UTC 2023

mfioretti at nexaima.net wrote:
> thingamajig install A B C D
> where "install" means "find, download and install by yourself all
> those programs, with any dependence they may need"? Of course, as a
> user I couldn't care less whether "thingamajig" is snap, apt or
> anything else, or how many alternatives to thingamajig would continue
> to exist for Ubuntu, or if there were one different thingamajig for
> every Linux distro. As long as it's one per distro, it would be OK
> Again, whether what I ask is wrong or impossible is another issue. But
> I hope, after having been basically forced to retype my whole post
> here, at least now it's clear what I am ACTUALLY asking and talking
> about..
> 		     Marco

I think you don't understand how developers work or how distros
interact with them, otherwise you would realise that what you're
looking for is essentially impossible.

If I am, for example, a perl developer, then I load all the modules I
need from CPAN using cpanm and I upload the modules I write to CPAN. Job
done. Which distro I happen to use is irrelevant. Now if a distro wants
to also make my software available via their repos then that is
entirely up to them. But the reality is that each distro chooses
whatever it thinks are the most important Perl packages and repackages
them for its own repos. But each distro doesn't bother repackaging the
majority of Perl packages because there are far too many and each used
only by a few people. So as a user you need to use both the distro's
package tools and cpanm if you want to use some obscure perl module.

Repeat this situation for every language with it's own distribution
system. And github etc for every other developer who just develops some
more or less useful software.

If you want a single installation mechanism, then pick a single distro,
or Apple or Microsoft or whoever and just stick to whatever software
their packaging system can provide. Simply ignore all the other software
as if it didn't exist. And be happy :)

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