Ubuntu installers?

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 00:06:34 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Owen Thomas wrote:

>with the hope that users generally will coalesce around Snap as the
>universal format.

I really, really hope that that doesn't happen and that any other
package management system is chosen (I'm crossing all of my fingers
and toes and knocking on wood over here).

One of the problems with reducing our choices to just one can be that
it isn't the best choice for us. It horrifies me that the folks who
are working on the Snap program haven't even ironed out its issues
yet and are already working on becoming the rulers of the universe or
king of the hill or however one would put it. If they'd put the
efforts they're putting into that into making the program solid
instead, it might pleasantly surprise them to find that the universe
would come to them. Sadly, their history to date shows that that's
unlikely to happen (don't take my word for it - go check out the bug
reports and how long they're allowed to languish unsolved without
even any attempts to fix them), while it's inevitable that this
message will be pounced upon because I dared to bash Snaps.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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