Ubuntu installers?

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 6 17:15:09 UTC 2023

Am Freitag, dem 06.01.2023 um 13:57 +0100 schrieb Ralf Mardorf via
> On Fri, 2023-01-06 at 12:32 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
> > Snap is a cross-distro packaging tool.
> Liam, you know better. This is ridiculous, no other distro supports
> snap.

according to the store metrics page from the 273800 installations my
zoom-client snap has had today at 5pm CET there are about 80000
installs across 70 non-ubuntu/non-debian distros (several thousand on
many of them, including arch fedora, opensuse, mint ... but also exotic
names i have never heard before like "ol", "bgr", "astra", "sparky",
"peppermint" or "arcolinux" (the later ones are admittedly often in the
two/three digit numbers)) 

so how did all these people get my snap package installed ???

(note that a less detailed list of distros is also shown on the public
page at https://snapcraft.io/zoom-client if you click the "see more"
link at the "users by distribution" overview)

snap is available for all larger distros and even on windows via WSL
... looking at the metrics across my various packages it is also very
actively used on all of the ones snapd is available for, no matter if
snaps are a default option on these distros or not.

even distros that make it artificially hard for their users to get
snaps, like linuxmint, do have installs of most of my snap packages in
the four digit range ...

> Outside of the Ubunutu universe the whole world laugh at snap.

seeing the metrics of my packages i can only assume that it is a very
vocal minority of "comment trolls" that give you that impression.

the hard data of package installs clearly talk a different language and
actual users obviously vote with their feet here ... 

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