20.04.5 LTS on hyper-v

Sorin Srbu sorin.srbu at ki.se
Tue Feb 28 15:51:32 UTC 2023

On Tue, 2023-02-28 at 09:14 -0500, Jerry Geis wrote:
> I installed server 20.04.05 on hyper-v... this is working fine...
> Then I went to install a desktop environment with apt install ubuntu-
> desktop
> I get the graphical login - but when I login - I just goes back to the
> login screen again.
> Is something special needed on hyper-v ?


I had this happen to me once, when I installed a GUI on a server-install.

IIRC, I used the command

apt install kde-full

This added a lot of extra packages of course for the KDE environment, as
well as some xorg-things I didn't see when I installed gnome (ubuntu-
desktop). This may, or may not be the culprit in your case.

Anyway, upon logoff, and at the login screen, I chose the default DE (gnome)
and then it worked as expected.

However, I got curious with KDE and started using that eventually.


Sorin Srbu
Drifttekniker, Serverdrift
Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbibliotek
Enheten för teknikstöd och bildproduktion,
Avdelningen för Verksamhetsstöd
Tele: 08-524 84166

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