Upgrade to HWE kernel or not?

Tony Arnold a.c.arnold at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 20:58:06 UTC 2023


The memory addresses seemed to be all over the place so probably not a
specific region.

I've gone ahead and ordered some more Crucial memory. Should arrive
within a few days.


On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 at 20:36, David Fletcher <dave at thefletchers.net> wrote:

> On Sun, 2023-02-26 at 17:59 +0000, Tony Arnold wrote:
> > HI Liam,
> >
> > Thanks for your advice. I've now run memtest and after a couple of
> > hours and over 1300 errors I stopped the test. I'm now in search of
> > replacement memory (32GB). I've used Crucial memory before but
> > wondering what other makes are worth looking at.
> I suppose I am a relatively infrequent purchaser but I've never had any
> fault with Crucial memory and neither has anybody else as far as I
> know. I'm using it now in my NB520 laptop, probably 12 years old.
> My current desktop computer is about 15 years old and had 4G of Corsair
> memory until a year or two ago. That memory also performed perfectly
> but I found I could buy 8G of second hand memory to max out the mobo
> from a CEX shop for GBP8! My, how the price of DDR2 has gone down over
> a decade!
> So, in my limited experience I suppose I can recommend Crucial, Corsair
> or tested second hand memory. Tested second hand I suppose it could be
> termed extended burn in! If still working it will probably work for
> ever.
> Dave
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Tony Arnold, retired IT Security Analyst
M: +44 (0) 7521 071138, E: a.c.arnold at gmail.com
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