Changed permissions on /run in 23.10 - a bug or what?

Chris Green cl at
Sun Dec 17 13:09:05 UTC 2023

I recently upgraded my Thinkpad T470 from 23.04 to 23.10.  After the
upgrade I was getting no wireless connection.  I finally found that
this was due to changed permissions on /run/Networkmanager.

On version 23.04 permissions are 0755 but on version 23.10 they are
0700, i.e. there is no general read access to /run/Networkmanager.

With the 0700 permissions NetworkManager fails to start successfully
and I get no WiFi access.  If I manually reset the permissions to 0755
then 'systemctl restart NetworkManager' my WiFi works. 

Has anyone else had this issue?  If not then I think something else
must somehow be affecting the startup on my system but it's very
difficult to diagnose.

Any/all help would be very welcome.

Chris Green

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