digital ocean -- issue!

Karl Auer kauer at
Sun Dec 17 00:00:42 UTC 2023

On Sat, 2023-12-16 at 13:07 -0500, bruce wrote:
> I'm testing digitalocean (DO) for the creation of an initial droplet
> running apache, as well as being able to "completely" clone the
> droplet, to be able to have multiple copies of the "droplet" running
> at the same time if I wish.
> I did manage to get it to "connect" once/twice, but the
> passwd/sshd_config files didn't match the initial droplet!!!!

How do you know those files didn't match? Were you able to log all the
way in and inspect them?

Bear in mind that creating an instance from a snapshot is not really
creating a 1:1 copy of the image. Behind the scenes, DO is almost
certainly doing other stuff (I don't know this - I am surmising).

If your snapshot has hardcoded network stuff - anything but DHCP - your
new droplet won't be contactable. The network interface names known to
the new droplet may be different from those of the original droplet,
again meaning you can't really hardcode anything and expect a clone to

Finally, (and again I'm guessing) the new droplet probably needs new
access rules (if DO has external-to-the-droplet access controls).

> Oh, I can ping the new droplet.

Well - you can ping something that has the address you think the new
droplet has. How do you know the address you are pinging is that of the
new droplet? Networking in a virtual environment can be very funky.

Sorry, I'm not a DO user...

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at

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