Update "Recommends"

Keith keithw at caramail.com
Sun Dec 10 17:29:03 UTC 2023

On 12/10/23 12:31 AM, Grizzlly via ubuntu-users wrote:
> Hi
> Lately when I run
> $sudo apt full-upgrade
> when it get down to "WaterFox" I get an odd (or it seems so) recomending
> WaterFox "Wayland", my system is X11, my WaterFox is kpe version on Unity
> 23.10, I have not yet seen it on 22.04.3 but that is due an update today so it
> may come
> Ideas ??

Can you post of snippet of apt's output relevant to installing a 
recommended package dependency during an upgrade? I didn't think that 
was supposed to happen on an upgrade action, but then again I don't use 
the "full-upgrade" command very often to know for sure.

Also, posting the "Depends:" and "Recommends:" lines from "apt show 
waterfox" could be helpful.

Anyhow, using "apt upgrade --only-upgrade" should update existing 
packages without installing any new ones.


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