Firefox printing does not work in 22.04

gene heskett gheskett at
Fri Dec 8 17:19:12 UTC 2023

On 12/8/23 08:21, Wade Smart wrote:
> Learn something new all the time watching these emails. :)
> Im on Kubuntu 22.04 with the latest updated firefox on my computer
> with my laptop next to me and Im finishing setting up laptops for a
> business so I checked - all mine show what Ian posted and all print
> and have dialog boxes to change the printer.
> Could it be Josef Wolf not being up to date?
That may be possible, I am not running the latest armbian desktop as it 
was just announced, I dl'd 23-11, just a few ago, but have not yet 
written it to a u-sd.  I've other irons in the fire ATM. And company 
over the weekend.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
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  - Louis D. Brandeis

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