Grub Titles

Bret Busby bret at
Sun Aug 27 15:49:28 UTC 2023

On 27/8/23 23:32, Bret Busby wrote:
> On 27/8/23 21:05, Grizzly wrote:
>> Sunday, August 27, 2023  at 19:54, Bret Busby wrote:
>> Re: Grub Titles (at least in part)
>>> On 27/8/23 19:36, Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
>>>> Hi All
>>>> I have a duel boot (low spec) lappy, with a PuppyLinux (BionicPup) & 
>>>> Bodhi 5.1
>>>> (Based on Ubuntu 18.04.6 ?), when I boot, grub menu shows (the 
>>>> usual) Ubuntu
>>>> 18.04 options & BionicPup
>>>> Is there a "persistant" (that will survive past the next apt 
>>>> upgrade) way to
>>>> get Ubuntu 18.04 to show [as] Bodhi?
>>> Hello.
>>> Perhaps, it may be worth posting the query to the grub users mailing 
>>> list?
>> I'll give it a go, thought as it is really 18.04 (under the sheets) 
>> here was a
>> good place to start
>> I would also like to show "Unity" on grub menu for the systems that 
>> have (duh)
>> Unity in place of Gnome
> On my Acer V3-772G, which I just got going again, recently, and, upon 
> which, I just installed Linux Mint on the (corrupted - would not boot) 
> Ubuntu 22.10 installation, as the upgrading of the 20.10 installation 
> (which had worked okay until the upgrade attempt) to 22.04.3 (the system 
> recommended upgrade, a few days ago) corrupted that installation, 
> leaving me with 16.04.7 (I think the last number is 7), as the only 
> remaining, working, Ubuntu installation, on that computer, grub shows 
> the available operating systems to which, to boot, as Linux Mint 21.1 
> (installing 21.2, was too problematic, as a clean install - upgrades 
> from 21.1 to 21.2, on other computers, worked okay, but, the clean 
> install of 21.2, went bad, as what 21.2 involves, is bad, for 
> installation), Ubuntu 22.04.3 (the corrupted upgrade from 20.10, which, 
> now, will not boot), Ubuntu 16.04.7, and, the despicable (and, unusable 
> - while it will boot into it, the operating system is shite and 
> unusable, due to the nature of MS Windows 8) MS Windows 8, with which, 
> the system was originally infected.
> So, whilst you have an installation as old as 18.04 (I assume that the 
> age of the 18.04, is the reason for your referencing it), as my system 
> has a working installation of 16.04 (as the only now, working 
> installation of Ubuntu), into which, it can "happily" boot, without any 
> significant problems, from GRUB, it appears to me, that your problem 
> lies within your grub installation and configuration, rather than with 
> Ubuntu.
> Hence, my suggestion to try the help-grub mailing list.
>  From memory, a way exists, of editing what is displayed by grub - the 
> text, like labels, for the options into which to boot (so, for example, 
> if you had them installed, and, if you would be so inclined, you could 
> rename a boot option for ghostBSD, to WhiteSheetBSD, and, midnightBSD, 
> to BlackCatBSD, etc). But, I do not remember how to edit the applicable 
> file for grub, or, where I saw it. Maybe, it is in something like
> man grub
>   or,
> help grub
> or, on an online grub information web site.
> ..
> Bret Busby
> Armadale
> West Australia
> (UTC+0800)
> ..............

Oh, and, I should have mentioned that, as your Bodhi 5.1 Linux, is based 
on Ubuntu 18.04, so, also, Linux Mint 21.x is based on Ubuntu 22.04; so, 
as my Linux Mint installations, show as Linux Mint <version number> , 
rather than as Ubuntu 22.04 (the underlying, or, root (as in usual, 
layperson, root meaning, not Linux/UNIX root meaning) Linux 
distribution), I think thence, also, it is a grub thing, and, not a 
Ubuntu thing.

And, in the course of writing this message, I am not sure whether my 
memory is correct, but, a memory just "popped up", that, some years ago, 
when I tried to install PC-BSD (now defunct - the developers got bored 
with it, and, abandoned it) I think I found from that process, how to 
detect and edit the names for the operating systems, in specifying also, 
the mount points for booting the additional operating systems and 
allocating names for the operating systems. I kind of, almost, got 
PC-BSD running on the computer upon which I tried to install it, but, I 
think the computer lacked the necessary resources.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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