Comparison of zoom and jitsi request

Bret Busby bret at
Mon Aug 21 23:57:50 UTC 2023

On 22/8/23 06:54, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Aug 2023 at 00:02, Bret Busby <bret at> wrote:
>> I do not know whether Liam Proven, or any of his colleagues, have
>> published a recent review of jitsi, and/or, a comparison of jitsi with
>> zoom, on The Register
> I haven't. It's not a bad idea, though.
> I used it Blue Jeans back in ~2014 and Jitsi in my previous role to the Reg.
> TBH I didn't like either of them, and found both annoying. Jitsi
> struggled with inadequate bandwidth, on my work ½ gigabit connection,
> and the window jittered unusably on Firefox. I had to use Chrome.

Without challenging your perception, I wonder whether it would be worth 
you experimenting, again, and, doing what you have done with Linux Mint; 
reviewing (and comparing with rival software) the latest versions - in 
case the problems that you earlier encountered, have been overcome; and, 
if they have not been overcome, I believe that that, in itself, is 
sufficiently noteworthy to include in updated reviews and comparisons...

Also, possibly, comparing across different web browser (and, possibly, 
different desktop environment, and, distribution(?) ) platforms; does 
jitsi perform better on the Firefox that in Linux Mint, or in Ubuntu, or 
in Debian (etc, etc, etc)?


Inadequate bandwidth - "1/2 gigabit connection" ? - That sounds like the 
total bandwidth for Australia...

I get up to 6-8MB/s, on a 4G cellphone network connection access, 
dropping down to about 100B/s, on occasion, depending on hosting servers 
and nodes along the way, and, those speeds are far better than I got 
from the official Australian "No B****y Network" "broadband" landline 
access that was imposed by the Australian feral parliament (which gave 
data transmission speeds under 10B/s, if and when the network was 
operating - we were explicitly told that we could not use any telephone 
network in Australia, to make emergency calls, due to the unreliability 
that was imposed). Sometimes, in Australia, the best data transfer 
speed, is around as it was for "dialup" modem access - 33KB/s. But, 
then, in a country where the governments favour burning fossil fuels 
over clean energy, and new and expanded coal mines over photovoltaic 
electricity generation, and, NOT having emissions regulations for motor 
vehicles (making us as the same level as Putinland), it is not 
surprising that we are so far behind the rest of the world (like 
Putinland). Maybe, one day, Australia will progress to the twentieth 
century, and, adapt to electricity and clean energy, and digital 
communications. And, maybe, one day, we will have working health and 
education systems.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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