Ubuntu LTS 22.04 how to report a bug?

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon Aug 21 10:13:03 UTC 2023

Am Montag, dem 21.08.2023 um 11:52 +0200 schrieb Alessandro Baggi:
> Hi list,
> I'm using XFCE4 on UBUNTU LTS 22.04. I installed xfce4-docklike
> plugin 
> manually because it is not available from Ubuntu Repos.
> I noticed that I cannot pin firefox snap (channel esr) icon on the
> dock.
> After some search on the system I noticed that the .desktop file of
> the 
> snap package has a bad name under:
> /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications
> as firefox_firefox_desktop.
> Renaming it to firefox-esr.desktop fixes the problem but at the next 
> package update the problem could come back.
> How I can fill a bug for that specific problem? I should create bug
> for 
> the snap or for Ubuntu?
the .desktop files for snap packages are actually generated on the fly
during install of the package by snapd from the meta data the snap
ships, so you should start by filing the bug against the snapd package
by simply using "ubuntu-bug snapd" from a terminal on your desktop ... 

that will auto-collect necessary logs and pop up a browser for you to
create the bug on launchpad.

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