Comparison of zoom and jitsi request

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Thu Aug 17 14:28:23 UTC 2023

On Thu, 2023-08-17 at 09:15 -0400, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 5:06 AM Gilles Gravier <ggravier at> wrote:
> > 
> > Le 17/08/2023 à 10:38, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users a écrit :
> > > 
> > > In a nutshell: If possible don't use Zoom or anything else. If you are
> > > forced to participate in webinar or team meeting, you don't have a
> > > choice at all.
> > [...]
> > 
> > Zoom is the only system I know that lets me select where my data at rest
> > is... USA or EEA. I have selected EEA of course.
> > 
> > It's also the only one that lets me select which datacenters are used to
> > cache meeting, in particular:
> > 
> > Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan,
> > Netherlands, Singapore, Sweden, United States.
> The problem is, Zoom is not trustworthy. You cannot trust one thing
> that company says. That's proven with the FTC's settlement.
> What makes you believe the company is honoring any of that? The only
> thing the company has shown is its willingness to lie to its users.

IMO it doesn't matter in which country
   Contact Info
   User Content
   Usage Data
data is collected and linked with my identity.

If this data isn't collected for misuse, for what purpose do they
collect this data? If it's only collected to fill HDDs it's at least bad
for the ecosystem [1]. If they are interested in making Zoom better for
the users, the company could give users a choice as to whether or not
they are willing to share anonymized log files. The default would of
course be no sharing.

If a large part of a company's the business model are free gifts, then
you should take a closer look at those gifts and not use them unchecked.

Sometimes excellent apps, that aren't fishy, are offered by companies
for free as in beer. They are e.g. selling telescopes or MIDI
masterkeyboards, but the apps are also useful, if you don't own a
telescope, keyboard or something else from one of those companies.
Companies providing such offers are rare. More likely is a data mining
business model.

[1] [...] An ecosystem is made up of the interaction of all living
organisms (like animals, plants, and bugs) in an area with all of the
non-living organisms (like water, dirt, rocks, and the sun). [...] -

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