Automatic snap duplicity update to 2.0.0 has broken my scripts

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue Aug 8 08:49:07 UTC 2023

Snap has automatically updated my duplicity on multiple systems to
version 2.0.0 and all my backup scripts are failing.  It appears there
are breaking changes in version 2, or there is a bug.  For example,
when I run the command

/snap/bin/duplicity verify   --no-encryption --full-if-older-than "4W"
  --log-file /home/colinl/temp/duplicity.log -v5 --exclude <exclude
list> --include <include list> rsync://user@server/path <target_dir>

I get the error

CommandLineError: Source should be url, not directory.  Got
'/home/colinl/temp/duplicity.log' instead.

Does anyone know whether this is a bug or if the command line has
changed.  I tried using man but can't work out what the problem is.
In some areas it suggests that the command (verify) has to go after
the options, but right at the end it shows the way round I have it.
The change log does suggest fixes to the command line parsing but
isn't clear if there is a breaking change.


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