Still looking for a usable NAS for Ubuntu 23.04

Tony Arnold a.c.arnold at
Sat Aug 5 10:14:00 UTC 2023

Hi Jay,

On Fri, 2023-08-04 at 17:17 -0500, Jay Ridgley wrote:
> Since I have been trying to find a NAS unit that will work "out of
> the 
> box" or with minor tuning with Ubuntu 2.04. It appears that a 
> replacement MyBook MIGHT work but I am not clear if that is true.

It largely depends on what you expect out of a NAS box.

I don't have any experience of the two devices you mentioned so can't
help you with those.

I've been using a Synology NAS box for a number of years now. I mainly
use for backing up my PC using backintime. It works very well for that.

I know it supports NFS (4) and SMB as well as allowing you to set aside
and area of disk and mount it as a raw disk (I can't remember the name
of this technology at the moment).

It supports a variety of RAID levels including Synology's own RAID
which is what I'm using (4 x 4TB disks yielding 12GB usable space with
single disk failure tolerance).

> My friendly computer repair shop dropped support for Linux about 2 
> months ago and I no longer have any help available, locally.

That's a real shame.

> I am waiting to purchase any more hardware until I KNOW it will work.

Very wise!


No signature available right now. It's on my todo list.

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