FLOSS software and professional use (was "Photoprint")

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 30 06:11:56 UTC 2023

On Thu, 2023-04-27 at 14:48 -0500, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
> Perhaps I misunderstood you - I originally thought you were saying
> that FLOSS software in general was inferior to proprietary offerings
> by major companies, whereas now I think you are talking specifically
> about the realm of desktop publishing and photo manipulation. I still
> don't agree, but I also see where I was getting off track.

It's actually quite funny that in the FLOSS realm we're used to two
opposite statements.

1. Be thankful, the FLOSS programmers are not paid.

2. When it comes to features, everyone is a full professional and knows
what they're doing. In such cases, the term "professional" is valued

By the way, there is one area where professionals claim to be amateurs,
but this area has nothing to do with software.

Apparently we all tend to overstate values ​​associated with amateur and

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