
Little Girl littlergirl at
Sat Apr 29 16:47:51 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:

>> I wonder why it's so popular.
>is it?

This search turns it up rather frequently:

	linux program print multiple photos per page

>We often use search engines with Linux-related terms. They do the
>same to you and me when using Linux-related search terms as they do
>to anyone else using other search terms. They create bubbles, echo
>chambers of alternative facts, like they do for people who
>constantly search for shapeshifting or QAnon. Don't believe the hype!

I'm in SEO as a profession, so I'm aware of the significance of the
keywords we choose and the influence they can have on the result. A
variation of what I used above (or a complete deviation) would yield
different results.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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