
Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Sat Apr 29 15:11:04 UTC 2023

On Sat, 2023-04-29 at 08:28 -0400, Little Girl wrote:
> I wonder why it's so popular.


is it?

We often use search engines with Linux-related terms. They do the same
to you and me when using Linux-related search terms as they do to anyone
else using other search terms. They create bubbles, echo chambers of
alternative facts, like they do for people who constantly search for
shapeshifting or QAnon. Don't believe the hype!

This [1] is the ticket I wanted to open, but I can not sing in to GitLab
GNOME even not with GitHub using existing accounts. It stopped working.
Signing up doesn't work, since I already have got accounts using the
same email address. I reset the password. I used the same password I
already used before, but the sign in is still fishy. Actually I got an
email that somebody, me, signed in, but I had no access by the web
browser. I tried to reset the password a second time, but they don't
send another email. There's also no mail to reset the password in the
spam folder, when using the email account's web interface. I'm not
willing to use GNOME's Discourse, the shotwell F*cker group or IRC, so I
can't get in contact with the developers.


I hope shotwell does improve, if photographers provide a few feature

What I dislike is that EXIF information is split into two separated
widgets. Please consider to drop the "Basic Information" widget in the
sidebar that contains the imports and merge it with the "Extended
Information" widget that is independent from the import sidebar.

I'm missing some EXIF information, as a starting point please at least
add the scale factor to 35 mm equivalent and/or to the focal length add
the 35 mm equivalent. Please, also add the lens info and/or model and/or

For photographers the provided edit options are not very useful, it
would be nice if you provide a view option to disable the view of the
editing options, but to keep the zoom slider and the previous and next
photo buttons in the toolbar.

Sometimes several photos provide a detail I want to compare at the same
zoom factor, in the same position. For example the bird in this photo, . I cannot compare the photos, since
shotwell doesn't keep the zoom factor and position after clicking the
previous or the next photo button.

It would be nice to provide an option to allocate either zoom factor or
previous and next photo to the mouse wheel.

Just my 2 Cents,

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