[off-topic] PhotoPrint

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 21:15:01 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Peter Flynn wrote:

>I am persisting this as I don't believe it is off-topic

I thought I'd join in on this discussion on proprietary vs
open-source software by mentioning that one thing I always do is to
make sure that if I have to output to a proprietary format, I also
output to a non-proprietary format. Most proprietary programs can do
that. In fact, all of them that I've used have been able to.

Once in a while, you'll come across a proprietary program that
creates somewhat odd files when asked to output to a non-proprietary
format (I've got a big, popular offender in mind for that particular
scenario), requiring you to do a bit of clean-up when opening those in
open-source programs, but at least you'll be able to get at your

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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