non-snap version of FF under Ubuntu 22.04?

Little Girl littlergirl at
Thu Apr 27 20:13:40 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Tommy Trussell wrote:

>I don't intend to be incendiary, but I hope ALL of the folks avoiding
>snaps, particularly Firefox, will regularly fire up a VM or bootable
>image of Ubuntu and try the latest.

There's no need if you're subscribed to bug reports for your issues.
The emails would roll in if any subscribed issues ever got any
activity, which would include them being fixed.

>The developers (and related infrastructure folks) addressed most of
>MY concerns a few versions ago, so I've been mostly happily using
>the snap version of Firefox for a while now.

That's nice for you, but some of us continue to use it unhappily
because our issues have not been addressed.

>For folks still avoiding snaps on "principle," then please consider,
>why use Ubuntu?

This seems like a rather harsh stand to take. Hopefully you're not
acting as a representative of the Ubuntu developers.

>If another distro is running in front of you, then please consider
>building better support for your preferred distro instead of
>bad-mouthing snaps here.

I'd say that most folks (myself included) haven't bad-mouthed Snaps
and have, instead, been specific about discussing the issues that the
Snaps are presenting and about expressing disappointment in the
Ubuntu developers for rushing to use Snaps rather than ironing most
of their issues (certainly their most glaring ones) out before making
them a default for use with a very popular piece of software. That
sort of sharing seems like a perfectly-acceptable thing to do and
should be welcome in a mailing list like this one.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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