non-snap version of FF under Ubuntu 22.04?

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Fri Apr 21 02:23:26 UTC 2023

On Thu, 2023-04-20 at 18:13 -0400, Robert Heller wrote:
> will WaterFox accept firefox extensions?


my Waterfox has got the Firefox add-ons
  enhanced-h264ify 2.1.0
  Hide My IP 1.0.33
  Trusted Shops extension 6.2.10
  uBlock Origin 1.48.4
the theme
  Fall Foggy Forrest 6.0
and the plugin
  OpenH264 Video Codec
installed, it also imported an old Firefox profile, at least history and
bookmarks, probably the extensions as well.

It's on my Arch Linux install, chaotic-aur/waterfox-g4-bin 1.5-0.1. The
last Ubuntu install I like is 16.04. I installed Xubuntu 20.04 from my
Ventoy USB stick on my new computer, but dislike 20.04. On 2023-04-12 I
burned Lubuntu 23.04 Beta on a DVD to test my new DVD burner. I dislike
it, too. I suspect to my taste 16.04 was the last usable Ubuntu release.
There are two reasons for me that I much likely will discontinue using
Ubuntu soon.

1. Countless automations by default that spam my desktop with countless
   notifications and more worse are doing automated things under the
   hood. IOW way more to manually disable, than for older Ubuntu

2. I even need to install a PPA to get ROXTerm. I'm not aware of a
   terminal from the repos, that at least provides a "Copy & Paste"
   option. Note! A "Copy & Paste" option not just a "Copy" option and a
   "Paste" option. Apart from this ROXTerm has other advantages, but
   "Copy & Paste" is a minimal requirement for my workflow.

3. I'm against containers on desktop machines, to replace a shared
   library package management. Containers could make sense even on
   desktop machines, but not to replace a classic package management.


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