non-snap version of FF under Ubuntu 22.04?

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at
Thu Apr 20 20:37:12 UTC 2023

Hi Robert,

On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 at 21:26, Robert Heller <heller at> wrote:

> Is there a third-party repo with current version of Firefox for Ubuntu
> 22.04?
> I don't really want to run the snapd version (and no I am not really
> interested in either Chrome or Chromium either). (There are a number of
> problems with that, including not being able to load random local HTML
> files.)

I regularly open personal HTML files (stored on my computer's drive) on
Firefox. I have Chromium installed and that works OK with local HTML files,
too (rarely use it, just tested it now.



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