removing wslview from Ubuntu-only computers?

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Mon Apr 3 19:12:35 UTC 2023

On Mon, 2023-04-03 at 19:30 +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Montag, dem 03.04.2023 um 12:28 -0400 schrieb Little Girl:
> > 
> > > and the transitional firefox deb is the only way to please both
> > > worlds on a technical level ...
> > 
> > And isn't installed by default in Kubuntu 22.04 LTS, which is why I'm
> > not convinced he knew any of this.
> he's not the desktop team (snaps have a pretty large developer base in-
> house at canonical, that team operates completely stand-alone, not tied
> to server or desktop) :) and this is clearly a bug that was not
> forwarded to the snapd team, it definitely *should* be installed by
> default (and it is for everyone that upgraded from a former release,
> seemingy it is not seeded on the isos though, which is discussed in the
> duplicate bug i linked elsewhere in the thread, and a desktop team
> member actually marked the bug as high prio there already)

Don't replace deb by snap, just drop snaps and provide all common web
browsers by official deb repositories. Make a meta package that depends
on browser foo || bar || foo_bar || and so on as e.g. does for different versions of
this audio server. You are free to install either jackd1 or jackd2 to
fulfil hard dependencies against jackd.

There's only one thing you need to do. Cancel the original mistake to
introduce snaps. Go back to plain deb packages and you are done, no
workarounds or "bug fixes" are required, by just dropping this idiotic
idea that does cause that many issues to no avail at all. Migrating from
deb to snap does not reduce CO2 emissions or similar. It's not a such
alike invention that justify annoyances to gain something good. No, it's
just plain crap, good for nothing. All those excuses are boring!

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