removing wslview from Ubuntu-only computers?

Little Girl littlergirl at
Mon Apr 3 15:59:58 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Keith wrote:

>I think the more salient solution would be remove "Provides: 
>www-browser" from wslu and add the package as a Recommends: or
>Suggests: dependency to the package wsl. The "browser" in wslu is
>nothing more than a shell script which launches a browser in WSL. It
>doesn't seem to have any use outside of Ubuntu in WSL.

Yes, please, although I'd go one step further and get rid of it as a
"Recommends" package, too, because it's a "Recommends" package for
GIMP and GIMP keeps trying to give it to me every single day since
April of 2022, so it's acting like a "Depends" package.

>Of course, if you prevent apt from choosing wslu as the best package
>to satisfy a www-browser dependency, you're likely to get another
>package selected that'll also leave users unhappy.

I'd rather be unhappy than incapable of being a user at all, which is
the current state of things whenever wslu is installed, so go for it.
Probably anything you do will be better than how things currently are:

Thank you very much for all of the helpful suggestions. I hope that
the person or persons with the power to implement them listen(s) to

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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