22.04 performance

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 29 10:24:29 UTC 2022

Am Mittwoch, dem 28.09.2022 um 13:55 -0400 schrieb Jerry Geis:
> So getting slow performance...
> I noticed in the settings area upper right - there is Performance and
> balanced.
> I tried to switch ot performance and still running CPU at 1200 not
> 3400...

the power-profiles-daemon (which this UI is for) does not touch the cpu
frequency scaling at all, see the README at:


to see how it works ...

you really do not want to use the old generic cpufreq stuff
(performance/ondemand/powersave) on a modern CPU anymore, intel
machines default to using the intel_pstate driver since a while:


this operates a lot finer grained than the old stuff and utilizes CPU
builtin features directly ...


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