The latest update disabled my keyboard

Liam Proven lproven at
Mon Sep 26 15:24:27 UTC 2022

Ubuntu Unity, 22.04.1.

The last run of

apt update ; apt full-upgrade -y ; apt autoremove -y ; apt purge ; apt clean

... uninstalled a long list of "redundant" packages including most of
the accessory apps of the Unity desktop: text editor, etc.

Ralf was right. Those `-y` switches did come back and bite me. :-(
Sorry, Ralf, I should have listened.

I did:

apt install ubuntu-unity-desktop

... Which put everything back, and the machine rebooted to the login
screen no problem, but my keyboard doesn't work. Internal or external,
doesn't matter.

I found this:

Seems it was a thing. I managed to enable the on-screen keyboard and it works.

Slight snag: my home internet is out today, and I can't connect to my
phone hotspot to try reinstalling `xserver-xorg-input-all`.

This is a new one on me and it's caused serious problems!

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
Email: lproven at ~ gMail/gTalk/FB: lproven at
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