PackageKit trouble, blocked updates

Volker Wysk post at
Sat Sep 24 18:51:49 UTC 2022


I'm on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04.1 system, some two weeks old.

When I start Gnome Software, and click on "Neu starten und Aktualisierungen
installieren" (translation: "reboot and install upgrades"), I get this error
message: "Installation von Aktualisierungen nicht möglich: Prepared update
not found: /var/lib/PackageKit/prepared-update". (translation: "Installation
of upgrades not possible: Prepared update not found: ...").

The mentioned file, "prepared-update", really isn't there.

Running pkcon leads to:

desktop ~ $ LANG=C pkcon get-updates

Blocked gnome-tweaks-42~beta-1ubuntu2.all (ubuntu-jammy-updates-universe)
Werkzeug zur Anpassung erweiterter GNOME-Konfigurationseinstellungen
Blocked libnss-systemd-249.11-0ubuntu3.6.amd64 (ubuntu-jammy-updates-main)
NSS-Modul mit dynamischer Aufl?sung von Benutzer- und Gruppennamen
Blocked udev-249.11-0ubuntu3.6.amd64 (ubuntu-jammy-updates-main) /dev/- und
Bug fix xwayland-2:22.1.1-1ubuntu0.2.amd64 (ubuntu-jammy-updates-main) X
server for running X clients under Wayland

There are 15 blocked updates. Calling "apt full-upgrade" also reports 15
packages as hold-back.

So what happened? Why are they blocked and how to unblock? I don't remember
doing something weird. There's something broken. How to repair? It looks
like a bug in PackageKit to me...


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