Logging into Netflix

Gary J. Kirkpatrick garyartista at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 05:36:33 UTC 2022

Here's an odd problem for ya.  I have been using Netflix on Ubuntu
*currently 22.04) for quite a few years.  Here I am touring in Croatia,
after having been in the EU for years, when suddenly I can not log in
because the password is wrong.  It is the same password.  No one has
changed it.  I get the same message on the wife's Windows laptop.  So I
contact Netflix.  They say the problem is I am logging in from abroad.
Have someone in the US change the password for you.  I do this.  Now I can
log in on the Windows computer and not the Ubuntu.

I tried again on Chrome, I cleared cookies on FF and tried there.  Same
wrong password notification.  I installed Opera.  Same problem.

Any suggestions?



See my art website and blog <http://garyjkirkpatrick.com>     Facebook
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