Where to put the assignment of global environment variables

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 13 09:24:02 UTC 2022

Am Dienstag, dem 13.09.2022 um 07:37 +0200 schrieb Volker Wysk:
> Hi!
> I want to do it right. I have global variables (PATH, MANPATH,
> which need to be extended. I've tried it in /etc/environment, but
> that
> didn't have any effect. On the web, I've found the advice to put it
> in a
> script in /etc/profile.d, but there it gets evaluated *multiple*
> times.
> Is that normal? Or where's the intended place for those environment
> variables?

while you would normally put them into /etc/environment, in recent
releases there is now /etc/environment.d where you can put your
variable snippets that systemd will read alongside /etc/environment on

so you do not need to edit the file itself but can just drop your 
extras into the dir ...

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