Allow apache to run a program

Peter Flynn peter at
Tue Sep 6 22:02:27 UTC 2022

On 06/09/2022 20:43, Jerry Geis wrote:
> I am trying to get apache2 (ubuntu 20.04 LTS) to run a program from a 
> cgi script.
 > How do I allow apache2 to run this program?

1. Look in /etc/apache2/conf-available/serve-cgi-bin.conf
and see where the CGI binaries directory is configured
(eg /usr/lib/cgi-bin; used to be /var/www/cgi-bin)

2. Make sure serve-cgi-bin.conf is symlinked to ../conf-enabled

3. Put your binary in the directory given in [1]

4. Make sure it is set to execute privilege

5. Restart apache2


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