Unwanted blank after command line <tab> expansion

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 15:32:58 UTC 2022

On Sun, 4 Sept 2022 at 16:18, Keith <keith at caramail.com> wrote:
> The bash manual page is a bit of a beast with nearly 5000 lines of text.

I have to admit that when I want to look at something like man bash, I
often start by googling for man bash which takes one to the manual on
the web which is much easier to navigate and search.  One may have to
check with the one on your system to make sure it agrees but most of
the time it does.  It took me about 15 seconds to google it, go to the
first hit (https://linux.die.net/man/1/bash) and search for nospace.


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