My kingdom for a permanent machine name !!!

gene heskett gheskett at
Fri Sep 2 16:01:10 UTC 2022

On 9/2/22 02:27, Karl Auer wrote:
> On Fri, 2022-09-02 at 00:05 -0400, gene heskett wrote:
>> The board is changing its own name. Sudo hostname newname only
>> sticks till the network is recycled,
>> I need the command that sets it permanently.
> edit /etc/hostname
I did, then it got changed back again, so I did it again, then sudo 
chattr +i on
/etc/hostname,  and /etc/resolv.conf after I'd edited it to add:

search my.domain
nameserver address is pointing at my router. And now everything Just Works.

Now, if it ever gets done generating every UTF-8 locale on the planet. 
What triggered that?
Its been munching along on that project for about 2 hours now.

Thanks Karl.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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