firefox lost or reset all its settings???

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Mon Oct 31 15:30:06 UTC 2022

Am Montag, dem 31.10.2022 um 10:13 -0500 schrieb Keith:
> > .
> Do you happen to know when they'll enable support for native
> messaging 
> for the stable channel version? 

as soon as it has been merged upstream, the stable channel is the plain
"main" branch of the upstream code, while the "beta" channel of firefox
contains paches that are waiting for inclusion (i.e. in .deb terms
"distro patches") in the main branch ... beyond these "distro patches"
the packages are identical though and since it is a simple:

"snap refresh firefox --beta" 

and later to go back another simple:

"snap refresh firefox --stable" 

it is not actually requiring a lot of effort on your side ...

security maintenance etc happens on thw same level in both channels.

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