Query about expected upcoming 22.10

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 14 16:01:51 UTC 2022

On Fri, 2022-10-14 at 23:25 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> With 22.10 expected to be released sometime in the next couple of weeks, 
> I am wondering whether the installation iso will include an option to 
> not use the snap thing for software?


in the past I used the server images and unchecked a lot of components
in the first place. I guess the chances are good, that installing coming
releases from a server image, does not include many snaps, if any snaps
at all. However, a lot of software we like, might not be available by
packages from the "regular"/official repos anymore.

I don't have a recommendation for an Ubuntu replacement. I'm looking for
a replacement myself, since I can't stand snaps.

My daily work horse is Arch Linux, but I want to have at least 2
different installs on my machine, hence a user-friendly Linux, such as
old Ubuntu flavours would be nice. Maybe I replace Ubuntu by FreeBSD.
What keeps me away from replacing Ubuntu with FreeBSD is mainly the file
system and a lack of hypervisor. The volume, slice, pool approach is way
to unpractically for a desktop machine.


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