Unable to use wifi device with UbuntuMATE 22.04.1 and Linux Mint 21

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 17:44:22 UTC 2022

On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 at 19:23, Bret Busby <bret at busby.net> wrote:
> i5 with RAM upgraded (some years ago) to 16GB; nVIDIA Optimus

OK. BTW, that is not a model of GPU -- Optimus is a GPU-switching
tech, so it just means "this computer has an unspecified GPU which can
be switched on to replace the integrated GPU." But it's not relevant
right now.

> the upgrades started breaking somewhere around 20.04 and 20.10. It ended
> up having a  part 20.04 installation and a part 20.10 installation
> (different installations, before I repartitioned and reformatted the HDD
> in the Linux Mint 21 installation).

It is well worth keeping close track of this stuff. You're a frequent
poster on this list, which implies regularly having problems. When
troubleshooting, precise and accurate info is vital, so make notes. I
suggest keeping a (paper) notebook next to the computer and write down
what you're doing and when, so if it goes wrong, you can be specific.

> The error also appears on UEFI machines.

UEFI *requires* a FAT32 "EFI system partition" on any bootable
volumes. So not having one _is_ an error: it means the disk won't be

Historically on some computers, scrambling or writing bad info to the
ESP actually renders the computer non-functional.

So, on a UEFI PC, it's not an error: it's correct.

> the second attempt fudged it and
> that installation now apparently works.

"Fudged it"?

> I did a bandaid fix on it, that I described in a post subsequent to the
> one to which Liam has responded.

When I replied, there were no further mails from you in this thread.
There still are not as I write.

> No - I haven't had ethernet Internet connection, for several years -
> after wifi modem/routers and DHCP became fashionable, ethernet  and
> static IP addresses were no longer usable.

I know nothing about Australian telcos, never having been there in my
life, but I have never seen a broadband Ethernet connection in any
country this entire century that did not have one.

*Every* consumer router I have seen since the original Alcatel "manta ray"


... has Ethernet ports on it.

> Still doesn't fix the absence of the wifi driver in the iso.
> "Here is your car. We will not provide a transmission. So, you cannot
> travel anywhere. But, you can sit in the car and listen to the radio."

It's very simple. Some companies provide proprietary drivers and say
"customers can download this freely but you may not redistribute it".

Ubuntu cannot break the law to aid convenience. It's not Canonical's
fault if the chipset vendor restricts its drivers. Broadcom is known
for this.

Liam Proven ~ Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk ~ gMail/gTalk/FB: lproven at gmail.com
Twitter/LinkedIn: lproven ~ Skype: liamproven
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